“Low Income Neighborhoods Need More Funding” says Idaho Rapper IceTre

Estimated read time 2 min read

IceTre is a compassionate human yet he is bold when it comes to his statements. He strongly feels there are problems that can be solved with even the most minimal amount of attention; It’s a matter of principle or a lack thereof.

There are a record high amount of politicians and city officials who are purposely blocking any and all attempts for considerations to be examined. The plight continues to be fought over and over again. This is something that IceTre recognizes and is willing to try and fix.

At the end of the day, such funding can be allocated by officials within the city and community boards can effectively remove the “road blocks” that are holding many behind. Times need to change as the coming years are upon us is something that is agreeable for all of us.

“The mainstream media needs to give more attention to the real issues that should be addressed. Everyday there is a low income neighborhood that is experiencing some form of pain and poverty. With so much propaganda these days you really aren’t too sure on what decision you want to make whether you feel it’s right or wrong but when it comes to helping those who have been troubled by challenges we may never have to face then that’s where right and wrong can be figured out with no issue. I am all for it helping because it’s the right thing to do.”

Article by Cierra Vega for Epistle News.